
Tap into the minds of seasoned
real estate investors

Grab knowledge from lessons learned, resources gained & pitfalls discovered

Imagine benefiting from the hard work of others!
Learning from their mistakes.
Gaining knowledge & contacts that have been acquired
from deals done, supplied to you........all for FREE!

REI Knowledge utilizes various media platforms to relay this valuable content to our followers.

Sieze every opportunity to learn.

About Us

REI Knowledge exists for the purpose of educating, informing and connecting real estate investors (of every level) nationwide.  The goal is to supply real estate investors with knowledge, resources and contacts to aide in the start up or growth of their business.

Imagine gaining these "golden nuggets" for your business, gained from "in the trenches" experiences, at no cost to you 24/7/365!


Tapping into the mind of seasoned real estate investor

Because we are advocates for " Always be Learning!" we launched virtual events centered around knowledge and Networking. We wanted these events to be virtual so they can be attended from anywhere, with minimal hassle and NO COST for attendance.
The goal of each event is to gain a little knowledge derived from hands-on, in-the-trenches experiences (Tapping into seasoned minds) and multiple forms of networking (group networking, speed networking, one-on-one networking & chatting).

Please register to attend the events that work best with your schedule and don't be shy to share at the event what you have to offer and seek for your real estate-related bussiness.

Learn from their mistake and leverage their success!

Upcoming Virtual Events:

Knowledge & Networking Event: FREE Virtual Event, Tuesday,  October 8th, 2024.

Knowledge & Networking Event: FREE Virtual Event Tuesday,  October 8th, 2024.

REI Knowledge Bulletin Newsletter

Stay on top of the latest happenings in the real estate investing industry. Gain tips and knowledge from industry players that may help launch or propel your business to new heights!

How your real estate investing business can benefit from following us:

Gain knowledge from hands on operators in the industry.

Tap into the best resources available for the real estate investing industry.

Take advantage of free stuff offered in the newsletters & magazine!

Locate the funding available to match your projects.  

Stay informed and updated on what's happening in real estate investing from all levels.

Useful tips save time, save from making mistakes, save money! 

Ways to tap into what we offer:

REI Knowledge Bulletin Newsletter 
REI Knowledge Podcast
REI SCOOP Digital Magazine


Learn from investors who have been there & done that

The market never sleeps.  Successful real estate investors stay connected, using all the tools at their disposal to earn profits.  REI SCOOP will help you to stay informed, educated and on top of your game, positioned to succeed.


What Our Readers & Listeners Say

We are driven by the pleasure of passing on what has been learned from "in the trenches" experience. We appreciate our raving fans and applaud the success of those who desire to learn, connect and grow.

Tony R.

"Awesome! All this and no catch, incredible!"

Mary P.

"I am not a newbie, but I still have a lot to learn. Thanks for the help."

I. Sanders

"Love reading the articles and making the contacts - keep it going!"

Albert Einstein on Learning & Knowledge

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.”  

“The only source of knowledge is experience.”

Tap into the minds of seasoned real estate investors

WINNER: Most mistakes made and lessons learned

Produced by Roman Industries, in association with


Learning since 1996